For Parents
Social Skill for Teens in
Huntington, NY
“My teen is so smart, so why can’t he make any friends?” you ask yourself. Here you are, worrying if he’ll figure this whole “social” thing out. You try to be helpful, but asking other moms for play dates is no longer an option. You’ve tried everything, from signing him up for that social clubs to begging him to just have a friend over. You see him starting to completely isolate himself and you fear that his “online friends” will be his only form of socialization. You see how much he struggles because he has a hard time understanding social cues, which causes anxiety so he decides to just back off of the “social” game. You’re frustrated, concerned, and fearful about his adulthood.
Social skills can be learned…
Imagine your teen feeling more confident in social situations. He hasn’t changed his personality, but his fear of going up to his peers and other people has completely changed. He’s got the skills that help him navigate the social world and he seems so much more self-assured. You notice that he’s more willing to take chances, and he’s more assertive in social situations.
As a parent you feel so relieved and more calm that your teen is making extraordinary steps towards a social life. You’re excited to see where his life leads him.
With Social Skills Building Your Teen Can..
Learn how to engage with others and feel confident doing so. He’ll learn how to make and keep friends as well as become more assertive in social situations. With a little support and guidance, your teen will start feeling more confident that he can tackle the social world in no time! Some things your teen might gain out of therapy may include how to:
Navigate social interactions
Make and keep friends
Manage strong emotions
Advocate for him/herself
Read body language
If you’re ready to speak to me and find out if I’m the right therapist for your teen set up a FREE 20-minute phone consultation today!
Social skills Groups are now available for teens! For more information click:
Teen Social Skills Group
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