You feel like you've struggled all your life, and that's why you're here...
You don't have to do this alone!
Explore through our services to begin your journey
Therapy for Kids in Huntington, NY
(Ages 7-12)
Does it feel like your child is constantly worried about EVERYTHING? They continuously ask you questions to gain reassurance. Sometimes, they’ll avoid things because they’re too scary or display various behaviors, from intense fear to outright anger. They may seem like they are little perfectionists or will leave assignments to the last minute! You don’t know how to help them, and you feel frustrated, scared, and confused.
It's much more than coping...
Imagine the meltdowns subside. You know what to say to your child, and you feel a sense of relief. They are playing with friends, doing better in school, and there’s a sense of calm in your household. Your home feels different, and you’re not constantly worried about the “unexpected” things that might set him off. Your child is more confident is situations.

How will we get there?
I’m a big believer in Knowledge is Power. I will be helping YOU and your child understand the ins and outs of anxiety, so it’ll stop taking over your lives! Using education, changing of thoughts, and understanding of emotions, I will help you and your child feel a sense of relief from their constant battle with anxiety. I like to say, “we’ll shrink your worry!” You can expect you and your child to learn:
An emotional vocabulary
What your brain and body does when anxiety shows up
How to talk back to your anxiety, so it doesn’t take over
How to try new things, even when anxiety shows up
I used a team approach, so parents will learn as much as their child. Parents will know how to engage with their child when their anxiety shows up as well, so you’ll have the tools necessary when things don’t go as planned.
Anxiety is so much more than finding ways to cope.
It’s about learning about it, so you can manage your worry.
If you think that you are ready to speak to me, you can set up a free 20-minute phone call to find out if I’m the right therapist for your child.
Anxiety Treatment for Teens in Huntington, NY
You see your teen isolating herself from the world. Perhaps she has stopped trying to make friends and you see her spending more time alone in her bedroom. She barely participates in school because she’s constantly worried about what others are thinking about her. You’re always arguing because you want her to feel better, but you just don’t know what to say to her anymore.
She’s smart, you see her potential, but her anxiety is continuously getting in the way of her greatness. She can be explosive or start crying at the drop of a hat because she feels she can’t handle her emotions. Your biggest fear is that if this keeps up, she’ll never go to college, that she’ll never make friends, or that she’ll be stuck in your house through young adulthood. Perhaps she’ll outgrow this, but what if she doesn’t?
It’s JUST anxiety…
Imagine your teen beginning to push through her fears like she’s the boss of her destiny. You see her making friends and see a smile on her face more often these days. She’s become engaged in school and you no longer worry about her not being able to handle her emotions. Your disagreements resemble a conversation and not explosive arguments. You see her expanding her group of friends and participating in activities that she refused to participate in before.
​As a parent you feel relieved, calm, and confident that she will continue cruising through her teen year and adulthood knowing how to deal with life.

How do we get there?
Together we will come up with a game plan that’ll help your teen come out of her shell. We’ll learn what thoughts are making her stuck and how to get around them so that she no longer feels like anything is stopping her from greatness. She’ll learn that she’s not alone in the process and that with a little help; she’ll be able to identify her triggers and emotions, and be ready to face those pesky anxious thoughts.
Ready to find out if I’m the right therapist for your family? Set up a FREE 20-minute phone consultation!
Treatment for Individuals with
High Functioning Autism (Huntington, NY)
You see your teen struggle at every bend. You want what's best for him, but you are constantly concerned about how he will deal with the rest of his life. You are unsure if he can go to college and do all the things typical kids are able to do. He gets upset easily, has trouble making friends. You used to be able to set up play dates for him, but he's too old now. You feel hopeless, alone, and scared for your teen.
With a little help...
You can't even believe all the strides he's made. He feels more confident during social situations, and everything seems to be a bit more calm lately. You find that he is able to do things on his own, and has even started participating at school. He's able to express himself in a more helpful way now and you're so excited for him as he navigates high school. He's even started asking about colleges! As a parent you feel relieved that he’s accomplishing so many things that he was scared to do in the past.
How do we get there?
Together we will come up with a plan to help your teen feel more engaged in the social world, and feel less stressed in different situations. They will learn:​
How to make friends and keep them
How to be more socially aware
How to cope with uncertainty
How to be more self-aware
How to advocate for him/herself
So much more!​
Teens are trying to be independent during this stage in their life. They are trying to find out who they are and how they fit in this world. This can sometimes be scary for a parent of an Autistic individual. You want to make sure that your son or daughter feels like they have the ability to achieve their goals.
To find out if I'm the best therapist for your teen click below to set up a free phone consultation.
Social Skill for Teens in Huntington, NY
“My teen is so smart, so why can’t he make any friends?” you ask yourself. Here you are, worrying if he’ll figure this whole “social” thing out. You try to be helpful, but asking other moms for play dates is no longer an option. You’ve tried everything, from signing him up for that social clubs to begging him to just have a friend over. You see him starting to completely isolate himself and you fear that his “online friends” will be his only form of socialization. You see how much he struggles because he has a hard time understanding social cues, which causes anxiety so he decides to just back off of the “social” game. You’re frustrated, concerned, and fearful about his adulthood.
Social skills can be learned…
Imagine your teen feeling more confident in social situations. He hasn’t changed his personality, but his fear of going up to his peers and other people has completely changed. He’s got the skills that help him navigate the social world and he seems so much more self-assured. You notice that he’s more willing to take chances, and he’s more assertive in social situations.
As a parent you feel so relieved and more calm that your teen is making extraordinary steps towards a social life. You’re excited to see where his life leads him.
With Social Skills Building Your Teen Can..
Learn how to engage with others and feel confident doing so. He’ll learn how to make and keep friends as well as become more assertive in social situations. With a little support and guidance, your teen will start feeling more confident that he can tackle the social world in no time! Some things your teen might gain out of therapy may include how to:
Navigate social interactions
Make and keep friends
Manage strong emotions
Advocate for him/herself
Read body language
If you’re ready to speak to me and find out if I’m the right therapist for your teen set up a FREE 20-minute phone consultation today!
Social skills Groups are now available for teens! For more information click:
College Transitioning for your Neurodiverse Teen
Long Island, NY
Your teenager keeps telling you that she wants to go to college. You know you can't stop her, but you feel scared about the world out there. You feel that because of her Neurodiversity she won't be able to make it. You do a lot for her; you speak to her teachers, you help her with keeping organized, you keep a calendar for her. You can't imagine how she'll even make it when she can't handle high school.
It's Time to Let Go
She is more than capable. Whether it's anxiety, depression, or a Neurodiversity, she's doing well. She advocates for herself, she's making friends, and keeping on top of her school work. You know that she'll do well in college because she has all the tools she needs to succeed! You feel so relieved that she's on the right track and that you don't have to worry as much.

How We Will Get There
It's a lot of work, but I know she can do it. We will work together to help with finding the right college for her. Then we will work on the skills she needs to succeed. A lot of individuals with neurodiversities have difficulties with some of the skills that are necessary for college, along with anxiety regarding big changes can sometimes become chaotic. Here are some skills that your teen might get from therapy:
Speaking up when she needs help
Dealing with anxiety
Dealing with big emotions
Making and keeping friends
Creating a routine and a schedule
Communicating effectively with others
So much more!
To find out if I'm the best therapist for your teen or young adult, set up a FREE 20-minute phone consult!
These services are for teenagers in high school or for individuals who have already transitioned into college, but are having difficulties.
Social Anxiety Group for Teen Girls
in Huntington, NY
You’re a teen girl, and you struggle with social interactions. You have your thoughts and ideas, and sometimes you feel like you don’t quite fit in. Maybe you feel like you can’t share information or that if you share, others will criticize you. Maybe you can make friends, but keeping those friends is a different story. You wonder, “what is wrong with me? Why can’t I do this whole ‘social thing?’”
So, your self-esteem suffers. You think something is wrong with you, but there most definitely is not. You just need some rules and a path to get to where you want to be. You need to find your peeps, find out what to do in these situtations, and discover what you can do once you have put it all together.
Imagine feeling more confident. You can participate in things you never thought you could have, and it feels fantastic. You’re ready to practice your learned skills and move out of your comfort zone!
Want to discover your superpower and your magic? I have helped many teens like you take steps they NEVER thought were possible. What you’ll need?
An “I am ready to change” attitude
Be open to learning

What are some of the things you’ll find in this group?
Your amazing superpower ​
Self-Esteem Building!
Friendships and Rules!
Engaging with others!
Perspective Taking!
Making friends and keeping them!
So, are you ready? If you are, visit my website and make a 20-minute appointment (it’s free!). The group is small (6-8 participants), and it is based on skills building using a variety of methods, including cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy. The teens that benefit most from this group have been in individual treatment for at least 2 months before joining the group and MUST be open to being in the group. To set up an appointment click below!